There are bloggers who really do earn a steady income simply by posting regularly to their blogs. Blogs are a great way to publish you thoughts on anything that interest you. Your regular readers will not be the only ones who will visit your blog.
Blogger has been around for quite sometime and images and even some posts will make it into search engine results. My blog isn't even kept that current and I get all kinds of traffic through Google Images search results. Even if Blogger isn't you main Internet presence you can make money from Blogger.
The most common way to monetize your Blogger blog is by putting AdSense text ads on it. These will be specifically target ads that will be of interest to people who enjoy reading your posts or are looking for information and wound up on your blog.
AdSense is an excellent program and there are a large number of people who earn their entire living just from the proceeds of these ads. You can also create links to AdSense merchants with in the text of your blog articles. Be sure to make them fit the topic. There is nothing more irritating that a misleading textual link in a post. That tactic won't get you anywhere so don't waste your time setting all that coding up.
You can also make money from Blogger by creating a blog devoted to reviewing products. Both actual products people purchase and receive via shipment and infoproducts can create income streams through an affiliate marketing account. You can also make money by promoting online services the same way by reviewing them on your blog.