Saturday, June 27, 2009

Site Promotion Tips - 5 Steps to Rapid Traffic

Are you struggling to get traffic to your blog or website? Have you been jumping from one traffic source to the next only to find that none of them seem to work? If you've been trying to generate traffic to your site for a while now with no great success it sounds like suffering a lack of focus. You need to focus on getting one of site promotion method working correctly before moving onto the next one. Once you start seeing results from your original form of traffic generation start to explore other avenues, but not until you get this one working first.
Here are 5 site promotion tips you can use to generate traffic to your site:

1. Reply to questions on yahoo answers. Similar to a forum Yahoo Answers has a large community of people looking to get their questions answered. To make the most of yahoo answers you want provide quality content that specifically answers people's questions. For each question posted, there will usually be a number of responses to the question, but the aim is for your answer to be voted "Best Answer." The more "Best Answers" you get nominated for, the more of an authority you will become.

2. Purchase advertising space on high traffic blogs. Similar to using the content network of Google Adwords you can request high traffic blog sites to post an ad linking back to your website. They will usually charge a weekly or monthly fee for the privilege but this can open a lot of doors in generating highly targeted traffic back to your website. Another option is Technorati where you can find blogs that are selling advertising space on their site.

3. Submit to social bookmarking sites. Make sure when setting up your blog or website you submit to all the popular social bookmarking sites such as Digg, StumbleUpon, Propeller, Delicious etc. The more the better... To find more social bookmarking sites, simply perform a search in Google for "top 10 social bookmarking sites" then go ahead and submit to these as well.

4. Reply to posts in the forums including a signature link to your website. If you choose to focus on this method to start off with, select a couple of forums where you can be regular participant and eventually become known as an authority in your niche. Big Boards is a website that lists the top discussion forums by rank. You can go here and find out the most popular forums in your niche.

5. Submit an update on Twitter linking to your website. Every time you update your blog or website be sure to notify all your followers on Twitter that you've done so. This not only helps to generate traffic to your website when followers click on the lick but also provides one-way backlinks from authoritative sites that Google knows and trusts.

Use Video Websites to Promote Your Own Website

Many bloggers and website owners rely on search engines to deliver traffic. Search engines rank websites based on content. The more quality content that your site has oftentimes the higher it will be ranked by search engines. A higher ranking with search engines generally means more traffic. If your website happens to be a business or a monetized blog, more traffic means more profit for you.

However, with so many sites on the web and considering the time it takes to get high rankings, it's important to use other proven methods to promote your site.
One overlooked strategy for promoting your site is to use the popularity of video sites like YouTube. This easy to use method can result in a lot more traffic to your site.
When using video sites, keep in mind, most viewers won't sit through a sales pitchy video. Your video should be creative, entertaining, and/or informative, minus a used-car salesman tone.
If your site sells a product or service, use your video to:

1. Show off your goods.

2. Demonstrate your work.

3. Provide information about your niche.

Keep your video as general as possible to spark interest and to get people to visit your site. Remember to include your website address at the end of your video to drive traffic.
YouTube is not the only video website available, it just happens to be the most popular. Use as many video sites as possible to promote your website. Most video sites allow you upload videos free. The more places you upload your videos to the better results you'll get.

Promoting Your Website

Promoting your website can be the hardest thing you have to do. It is easy enough to make a site, get great starting content, and get on the web. Getting the traffic with browser ranking and advertising can prove to be much harder. Everyone knows that you need to be high on the search engine radar if you want to make it today. This not only means having the right product or service, a good looking site with great content, but also being able to keep your ranking and get the right audience to come and keep you in your glory.
Where To Advertise
Where you are promoting your website will say a lot about who you are and what you are made of. Some people will advertise anywhere and everywhere. These are the people who do not get a lot of visitors and waste a lot of money. When you spread yourself too thin and in places where there is little to no interest in what you have, you do not get the targeted traffic you desire. You will want to research companies to be sure they are loved by their patrons and in good standing. They should sell or provide information on your niche so that they are directing specific traffic to you all the time. You will also want to make sure that they are in a high ranking status with the popular search engines. This will allow you to know where to put your time, effort, and money.
Banner Adds

Creating banners promoting your website can be a good idea if you have somewhere to put them. Banner ads offer you a way to promote your site on other sites. Again, you will want to choose websites that are within your niche market. A banner selling candles on a hockey website is not going to get you the type of traffic you are looking for. This can be a money loser if you are paying people to use your banner to advertise for you as well. Make sure that the website has a high traffic count, good search engine ranking, and is reputable. This will bring you the type of visitors you are looking for and help you make the money you spent back.
Forum Ads

If you have a new site and want to get up and running with the bog sites fast, promoting your site on forum boards is the best way. Often you can join a forum and become part of the community. Then you will be allowed to advertise in your signature your website. Other forums may ask for a donation or yearly fee for a personal banner. This can be very much worth it as forums have many daily members and high traffic content every day. Your site will be advertised for viewing on a continuous basis. You can find yourself getting more traffic daily from the forum alone than if you used ads with larger companies who sell products.

Through the Eyes of the Children

Are you having a hard time convincing our target clients to try out your offer? Is your marketing message in your booklet printing getting passed on by your target audience just because it does not confer with the preset ways they are comfortable with? Are your print booklets getting cobwebs and dust because your target clients relegate them in the storage room the instant they read your message? Have you answered 'yes' to all of these questions?
If you want to reach out to your target audience, why not market through their children. That is right. Parents have often gone to great lengths to satisfy their children's wants even to the extent that they go beyond their preset standards. They often give way to their kids' desires even if it is outside their predetermined ways. How do you think the cartoon characters, Walt Disney and McDonald's got their millions? By getting to the children first.
The young actors and actresses in High School Musical went to worldwide stardom just because they got to the youngsters' psyche. From an original movie at Disney, the third sequel to their story has even become a blockbuster movie. And let us not forget Hannah Montana.
Have you forgotten how the New Kids' On the Block got you gooey eyed and staring gaga for so many hours at their posters? Did your parents also got you their t-shirts and print posters even if they themselves do not understand the phenomena of this boy band?
Your marketing collateral such as your booklet printing can benefit much if you market to the children instead. When you captivate their young and very active imagination, you can be sure to get their parents to consider your business.
So how do you do it? You can get the young people to consider you by becoming part of their lives. Provide them with items and stuff that tickle their imagination. Give them free stuff. Provide promotional items that not only speak of your business' offer, but also reflect what these young people are very much interested in nowadays.
Incorporate all those animated characters and stars that they are very fond of. Remember to get their attention with colorful and brilliant designs that can entertain and delight this young generation. Bear in mind that these children can sweet-talk their way to their parents' hearts. And once you got them involved, you will surely get their parents buying your products. You will grow your client base and you can surely improve on your sales and profits.
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